Sunday, July 31, 2011

the swimmer

Back in February I talked about getting Kelly into swim lessons since she was under the impression that she was already able to swim, but in fact, couldn't.

We tried the Park and Rec, but I had to be in the water with her and the pool was always a couple of degrees too cold! Besides, they ended up not even being 'lessons'. They were 'get your kid used to the water without crying' sessions and we didn't need that.
It was fun for her, but not so much for me.

I brought Mikey and he (like me) hated it too. It was just too cold --

Well, we were down by Crissy Field by the old air hangers, dropping Paige off for a birthday party at House of Air and went to turn around and saw a swimming pool.
I ran in to check it out and it was La Petite Baleen I had no idea that any of these things were even down there! There is even a rock wall climbing place, but I don't know the name of it --

So in April, Kelly started lessons at La Petite Baleen and now she is definitely a swimmer!

The Paper Mama

She has worked her way up and has earned 5 ribbons
(the first one is just for not crying) and is now trying to earn her 'purple ribbon'

She LOVES her swim lessons!
I was going to stop them when school starts, but she is so good at it and likes it so much,  I signed her up to take her lessons after school.

And then, when my big three are in school, I can take Mikey -- their pool is warm!

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1 comment:

Cyndi Hendrickson said...

Yay! It's fun to find something that they really love! I'm glad she's enjoying it :-) And it looks like she figured out how to do her goggles, too...

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